Dear jewelry maker/seller,

If so, I want you to know that you’re not alone.

Many online business owners face the same struggles.

What if I told you that the real reason for getting low returns in your business might have nothing to do with your marketing strategies or your products!

What if I told you that the problem is something as simple as bad product photos?

Bad photos?


I know you might have heard a lot of business coaches out there say if you want to make more sales, you need to tweak your marketing campaigns, upgrade your social media content strategy, create a sales funnel, and so on.

They are right, but the truth is.

A lot of business owners are doing all that already, but they’re still struggling with sales.

Studies have shown that high-quality product photos can increase online sales by up to 40%.

Yet, so many online business owners neglect this critical aspect of their marketing strategy.

Think about it: When you’re shopping online, what’s the first thing that catches your eve?

It’s the product photo, of course.

It’s what draws you in and makes you want to learn more about the product or add it to cart immediately.

Which means that if your product photos are low quality, poorly lit, and unappealing, potential customers are sure going to scroll past them!

They will not even give your jewelry a second glance, no matter how stunning it actually is.

Some 6 years ago, these were what my product images looked like...

Look at what my product images look like today...

If you were a prospective buyer and asked to choose which product to choose, you will most likely gravitate towards one of the products in the crispy images!


Because they create the impression of a professional brand that pays attention to quality both in craftsmanship and service delivery).

And need I say, perception is EVERYTHING!!!

Guess what?

These incredible product images of mine were shot with my smartphone! Samsung phone, to be specific.

I snap, edit and post photos of my jewelry with my smartphone.

No expensive cameras, no heavy gear, just my smartphone and a couple of free editing apps!

Wonderful, isn’t it?

This is why I created the 


the online course on product photography for jewelry makers &sellers who want to take their product photos from drab to fab!

In this course, I will show you the proven shortcuts to take jewelry photos so breathtaking that people will make comments such as,  

“You must have paid a professional image editor to edit these pictures for you.”

Wait a minute, let me tell you a little bit about myself.

I am Gbenga Artsmith and I’m considered to be one of the best jewelry makers in Africa.

I have sold tens of millions of my products over the years- and still selling! *wink*

What’s the secret sauce? 

Besides my innovative skills, it is my captivating jewelry presentation.

I create product Images that evoke a sense of desire and urgency in my customers, and this has helped me significantly increase my sales and revenue.

In 2020, I created a mini product photography course on a whim, and below are some of the feedback I received from my students:

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More people requested the mini-course, but I stopped selling it and instead went back to the drawing board to flesh it out into a robust course that covers the practical and theoretical aspects of product photography.

After almost 3 years, the full course is now ready for launch!!!!

I’ll walk you through each step of crafting brilliantly styled, impressive photos- from backgrounds to layouts to telling a compelling story. I will also teach you other things like how to:

Confidently take photos indoors or outdoors, in the dark or under the light.

You don’t need to be a professional photographer to take stunning product photos.

You just need to learn how to use your smartphone to create striking images.

This course is designed for everyone, regardless of how conversant you are with operating a smartphone.

As long as you can press any key in your phone, you’re eligible!

The tons of active followers, high engagement rate, and organic reach you’ll get on social media.

The endless possibilities and +perks of being a renowned brand online by virtue of your clean photos.

When you consider these things (and more), you’ll come to see this isn’t an expense at all, but an INVESTMENT.

A worthwhile one at that!

If you see the value in what I’m offering you and you’d like to join us today.

The next step is to hit the sign-up button below…

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