I would have been dead by now, but in November 2023, my jewelry business saved my life.

How so? Stay with me, let me share the story with you.

Last year, I fell ill repeatedly and I always casually attributed it to stress. Unknown to me, I was dying slowly…

I visited different diagnostic centers to run several tests at different times, all of which revealed nothing of grave concern. My vital organs were working fine, but I didn’t stop experiencing all kinds of unprecedented illnesses.

From sudden high fevers to Bell’s Palsy! I woke up one morning to find the left side of my face completely paralyzed. Speaking, eating, and drinking became a chore. I even had difficulty gaggling whilst brushing my teeth. The Bell’s Palsy was that bad! 

My doctor examined me and broke the unfortunate news that a nerve in my face was dead and I had to live the rest of my life with a paralyzed face.

My doctor’s daughter, who I am close to, later revealed to me in confidence that it was a more severe case and what her dad didn’t tell me was that he had scheduled me for an appointment with his neurologist friend if there was no improvement after 7 days.

God intervened and my distorted face miraculously returned to “default setting” on the 6th day.

God be praised! The storm is over. 

Or so I thought. Little did I know more devastating health complications awaited me later in the year.

It started with diarrhea and incessant vomitting triggered by food poisoning until I lost so much electrolytes that I had no strength to even sit up in bed to take my drugs not to speak of attempting to stand. 

My younger brother had to rush me to the hospital where I was on admission for 10 whole days. The doctors ran multiple tests and I was administered over 40 intravenous injections (a.k.a “drips”).

By divine providence, I was rescued from sepsis, a life-threatening medical emergency.

But you know God works miracles in diverse ways and one of the ways he delivered me from untimely death was my jewelry business.

The unbargained medical expenses occasioned by this health crisis I suffered cost me 7 figures! Totally unplanned! 7 figures from one of the accounts where I save my personal income.

Imagine if I was a low or middle income earner, how would I have been able to afford the bills without going bankrupt? 

My health insurance wouldn’t have covered all the medical bills incurred.

I would have resorted to hassling my loved ones for financial help, maybe begging kind-hearted strangers online, or opening a GoFundMe account to solicit funds.

What if I couldn’t raise the required funds through these means? My condition would have worsened and I would eventually have died an avoidable death.

This is just one of the many benefits I have  enjoyed since I established my jewelry business over 15 years ago. I have earned more money for myself and business than I ever earned through paid employment. In fact I made back all the money I spent in the hospital within two weeks!

There’s a cap to how much you can earn as an employee (your salary is fixed, remember?), but with running your own business, there are NO LIMITS! You can make as much as you want or need.

Successfully scaling my handmade jewelry business has led me to financial independence. 

I have achieved a stable and lucrative income by being in full control of how much I earn monthly.

There are manifold benefits you can derive from acquiring jewelry making skills, besides financial gain.

Here are more of such benefits:

1. Flexible Work Schedule:

Running a handmade jewelry business can offer flexibility in work hours and location, allowing for a better work-life balance.

This flexibility is particularly appealing for those seeking to manage their own time and prioritize family or other interests.

You won't be a slave to working your tail off growing another man's business, you CHOOSE how hard you want to grind. Your homefront won't have to suffer because of your work.

Although, I must warn you- being your own boss is not always glamorous. There are times you would have to go a long stretch working in or on your business.

However, work doesn't feel like work when it is something you actually enjoy doing, so no worries 😉.

2. Creative Fulfillment:

Crafting handmade jewelry allows for artistic expression and creativity, offering a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction that comes from creating something beautiful and valued by others. This can enhance overall happiness and well-being.

3. Customization and Personalization:

With the skills to make your own jewelry, you can customize and personalize pieces to suit specific tastes, occasions, or as meaningful gifts for friends and family.

Imagine being able to make matching jewelry for every "asoebi" (uniform cloth traditionally worn at Nigerian parties) you buy. You will stand out at every party!

You can turn those beads or gemstones you've been keeping into wearable pieces of jewelry or revamp your old jewelry pieces without having to consult a jeweller who would charge a premium to render alteration services to you.

4. Therapeutic Benefits:

The process of making jewelry can be therapeutic, offering a form of stress relief and a way to relax.

It requires focus and patience, which can help in calming the mind.

5. Empowerment through Education:

Offering workshops, tutorials, or online courses on jewelry making not only diversifies income streams but also empowers others by sharing your skills and knowledge with them.

This can enhance personal reputation, expand your network, and contribute positively to others' lives.

CNN featured me in their "African Voices" TV show as one of Africa's changemakers in 2019 on account of my breast cancer awareness initiative and my empowerment programme for indigent Nigerian women - both causes were fully funded by my jewelry brand, Gbenga Artsmith.

I could go on and on, but let me stop here.

I am sure by now, a desire to acquire jewelry making skills has been evoked in you or rekindled (if you’ve ever tried your hands at jewelry making before). 

You’ve probably watched tons of jewelry tutorials on YouTube or studied jewelry making illustrations on jewelry blogs and can make a good number of jewelry pieces by yourself, but you’re not satisfied. You want more. You know there’s more.

You want access to privileged tutorship that only a one-to-one interaction with a jewelry industry expert like myself can give. 

Someone who can answer your nagging questions about jewelry making real time, help you unleash your creative abilities, open your eyes to hidden opportunities within the jewelry industry you didn’t know existed, and much more. That’s where my online course, “WIRE JEWELRY PRO” comes in.

You’ll have access to instruction from me. I will train you on how to transform wire and beads into stunning jewelry pieces in this engaging course. 

We will both explore the versatility of wire in making jewelry, including making meticulously handcrafted chains, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, and more.

I am an experienced jewelry maker and industry professional of over 15 years. 

I will give personalized feedback on your work as you progress, answer your questions, and offer you the opportunity to learn priceless industry insights directly from me. 

You will never walk alone. You won’t be stranded. I’ll always be there for you.

This comprehensive, beginner-friendly, and easy-to-follow online course is not a bunch of jewelry making tutorials that you learn on your own without anybody holding your hands and guiding you along the journey to becoming a skillful jeweller. 

Otherwise, it wouldn’t be different from the free jewelry tutorials available online. 

The beauty of the course is even beyond the fact that it is self-paced; I.e. it offers unparalleled flexibility, allowing you to learn from anywhere at any time. 

This means you can easily integrate your learning into your existing schedule without having to relocate or adjust your personal or professional commitments.

What then is the big deal about it? Why should you spend a dime on it? 

Well, I wouldn’t dare tell a grown adult like you how to spend your money or what to spend it on, but if you’re interested in mastering the art and business of wire jewelry making within the shortest time possible, you’ll be doing yourself a huge favour by INVESTING in this course. 

And the thing with investment is that… it yields! It’s not an expense like paying your monthly electricity bill which you only enjoy for a limited time, it perpetually yields dividends long term.

Just in case you’re asking, “Is handmade jewelry business lucrative?” Let me share some facts with you:

The global jewelry industry is valued at $298.40 billion as of 2023.

The U.S. jewelry market earned $60.42 billion in annual revenue in 2023.

You can verify these facts online. How is it possible for anyone to see these astounding figures and still doubt that jewelry making is a profitable skill? 

If you’re that doubting Thomas, stop playing, fam! There are untold riches in jewelry business waiting for YOU to amass them. There’s enough fortune to go round.

Handmade jewelry can range widely in price depending on materials, craftsmanship, and branding. 

Items can start from as little as $10 for simple pieces and go up to thousands of dollars for high-end or intricate designs. Yes! My luxury handmade pieces cost thousands of dollars.

I’m not only going to teach you how to make stunning pieces of wire jewelry from scratch to finish, I will teach you how to monetize this skill to consistently earn you substantial income until you’re not just blessed but a blessing to others. 

Like me, you will be able to offer financial support to folks around you; pay school fees, assist with the medical bills of the underprivileged who don’t have enough, sponsor disadvantaged people with start-up capital to launch their business, and so many other charitable deeds!

Don’t take my word for it, read the testimonial below from one of my students who started making money immediately from her newly acquired skill even before completing the course.

The truth is, there’s no way you will learn jewelry making from me and your works will not be instant compliment magnets. I teach my students my secret formula to creating bestselling jewelry that draw praises.

In fact, if you don’t want to multiply the money you pay for this course, DON’T BUY IT! Because the jewelry pieces I will teach you how to make are quick money-spinners! 

Hear what one of my students had to say about learning under my tutelage. Also check out her elegant pieces in the video. Which jewelry lover with a claim to good taste would resist these beauties???

Even if you refuse to sell, folks will pester you till you’re either compelled to gift or sell your jewelry to them. This was the case with my Ghanaian student who is an accountant with a well-paying 9-5 job. 

She decided to learn jewelry making on a whim by taking my online course, only for 

her to wear the first necklace she made to work and her colleagues wouldn’t stop asking her about it. 

She eventually caved in to the demands for her jewelry and soon started to take orders. That’s how her hobby turned to a profitable side business overnight.

If you’re more interested in becoming a creative powerhouse like me than making an income as a jeweller, I will also teach you how to create signature designs like clockwork. 

Signature designs that will set you apart in the saturated jewelry market, potentially leading to significant financial success and industry recognition. Designer’s block will be alien to you!

I hate to toot my horn, but I am West Africa’s most renowed male jeweller for a reason. I have created numerous trendsetting designs that have gotten so famous and in high demand that…

Thousands of Chinese companies copy and sell them in millions of units on e-commerce sites like Alibaba.com. 

My work is so stellar that I was commissioned to design the bespoke jewelry pieces featured in popular Netflix productions like “Wedding Party (1 & 2)”, “King of Boys”, “Chief Daddy,” and other Nollywood blockbusters.

If you’ve ever tried to learn jewelry making albeit with several discouraging difficulties along the way or you feel the skill is just too complicated to grasp, congratulations on discovering this online course. It is the ultimate solution to all your challenges. 

My students say I have the special gift of simplifying complex jewelry techniques using practical, straight-to-the-point steps to teach. Read this testimonial from one of them:

“First of all, I want to say a big thank you to Mr. Gbenga Artsmith and his team for the “WIRE JEWELRY PRO” Online Course.

I delved into bead making in 2016, and I honestly tried to learn wire jewelry, but it was a bit challenging. Anytime I see a wire work jewelry piece I always admired it, but it was difficult for me to create a design. Several times, I saved up money to buy materials, but the designs never got to the stage of completion.

My story changed when I joined the “Wire Jewelry Pro” class. From the videos, it became very easy to learn wire jewelry making. The videos are well detailed. It has the name of each material and equipment, and it made it easy for me to learn.

Another beauty of “WIRE JEWELRY PRO” is the community. We have a group on telegram. Having a support group has been very helpful and interesting.

So far, my experience with “WIRE JEWELRY PRO” has been great, and I am looking forward to more learning opportunities from the team.”

Omowunmi Balogun

Registering for this course is equal to  having a lifelong mentor who is committed to your growth as you navigate the jewelry industry. You will have the rare opportunity to ask me questions and receive professional counsel based on my years of experience. Don’t believe me?

See the evidence below:

If you're still anxious about investing in yourself and future by taking this course, you may want to check out the amazing content in it:


  • Jump ring making. 
  • Making Findings (Interlocked rings).
  • How to make Wire Earrings.
  • How to make a Charm Bracelet.
  • How to make Herringbone Earrings.
  • How to make Wire Swirl Earrings.
  • How to Make Briolette Earrings.
  • How to Make Wire-wrapped Pearl Earrings.
  • How To Make Pearl Drop Earrings.
  • How to make a Wire Cocktail Ring.
  • How to make Wire Coil Studs.
  • How to make Dangling Chain Earrings.


  • How to make a Chain Necklace
  • How to make a Coiled Wire Bracelet
  • How to make Herringbone Petals
  • How to make Brick Stitch Leaves
  • How to make a Wire-wrapped Pendant Necklace
  • How to make a Wire-wrapped Bracelet
  • How to make Wire Chandelier Earrings
  • How to Make Wire-caged Pearl Earrings


  • How to make a Wire Mesh Bracelet.
  • How to make a Flower Brooch.
  • How to make a Wire-knitted Tube Bracelet.
  • How to make a Wire Cuff Bangle.
  • How to make Wire-wrapped Hoop Earrings.
  • How to make Woven Wire Earrings.
  • How to make a Wire-wrapped Bangle.

I understand the legitimate concerns you may have about learning a hands-on skill like jewelry making through an online course.

A student of mine who was initially sceptical about taking online courses shared this feedback with me after she grudgingly registered for my online course.

Listen to her yourself:

Besides the fact that you have 9 months access to over 27 jewelry lessons delivered via detailed videos of crisp quality, I also reveal uncommon truths about the essential tools and materials used in jewelry making.

These truths will save you money, embarrassment, and other needless hassles. 

They will help you:

  • Understand Bead Sizes and Types.
  • Know the Different Types of Chains For Wire Jewelry.
  • Choose the Right Craft Wires to Make Different Jewelry Pieces.

  • Identify natural gems and authentic beads, such as corals and pearls. You will gain expert knowledge on how to distinguish between fake and original gems and beads. 

  • Spot the differences between gold-plated and gold-filled accessories so you don’t fall prey to cunning sellers of beading supplies.

You may think it cannot get any better than all these, you haven’t seen anything yet- there’s MORE! The course includes 6 Value-packed bonuses!

Special Bonus #1: Bead Size Chart (Value: $10)

This chart will help you easily compare bead sizes and avoid buying beads that are smaller or larger than you expected, especially if you’re shopping online. It is foolproof, easy-to-use, and simple to understand.

Special Bonus #2 (Value: $20)

• List of stores where you can shop for beading materials and tools in wholesale/retail quantities (both online and offline).

• Access to contacts of my key suppliers (I hope I don't regret giving out this trade secret of mine 🙏 but that’s how passionate I am about helping you manifest your dream).

Special Bonus #3: Best Pricing Strategies For Your Jewelry Business (Value $20)

This e-book provides effective pricing strategies tailored for handmade jewelry business owners, helping you maximize profits while attracting and retaining customers.

Special Bonus #4: 7 Unusual Sources of Design Inspiration (value $20)

This e-book explores seven unique sources of design inspiration to fuel creativity and innovation in your projects.

Special Bonus #5: So You Think You Made Profit?

With this E-book, I will teach you the best ways to track costs and calculate profits in your jewelry business so you can grow better and faster than your competitors.

Special Bonus #6: Jewelry Care Hacks (value $15)

You'll discover ingenious, home-made remedies to maintain and restore (tarnished) jewelry.

I need you to be very honest, how much do you think is a fair price for the online course + these amazing bonuses I am giving for FREE?

Truth is, the course alone costs $249/NGN 345,229. With the bonuses valued at $85/NGN 117,850, it will amount to $334/NGN 463,078 in total.

And it’s a very fair bargain considering all the inestimable benefits attached to this course and the huge revenue you will generate from the knowledge overtime.

However, you won’t be paying $334. For 7 days only, the first 10 fast action-takers would get to pay $50/NGN 69,323 ONLY!

  • 00Days
  • 00Hours
  • 00Minutes
  • 00Seconds

These powerful lessons cost over $100/NGN 138,646 when I used to host in-person workshops. But because of my vision to train at least 100 “jewellionaires” (the name I coined for jewelry business moguls) by the end of 2024…

I decided to make the “WIRE JEWELRY PRO” online course as affordable as possible by offering it at the rate of $50/NGN 69,323 for just a few days. You snooze, you lose! 

This deal is only for a short while. It reverts to its original price of $85/NGN 117,850 after the first 10 early birds make payment. Register ASAP

You can also pay in instalments

You can pay the 1st instalment of NGN30,000 into:

Bank Name: Artsmith Collections

Account Number: 0125112055

Bank: Wema Bank

and send the payment receipt to gbenga@jewellionairesacademy.com or via WhatsApp at +2348079145893.

Second instalment of NGN39,500 must be paid one month after the payment of the 1st instalment to gain access to the course.

This is a zero-risk investment. Why? 

There’s a 14-Day Money-back Guarantee! I will gladly refund your money if you’re dissatisfied with the course after paying for it. 

Just send your valid reasons for demanding a refund to me at gbenga@jewellionairesacademy.com, I will review your request within 48 hours of receipt and do the needful. 

I will not compromise my integrity because of $50. I have a noble reputation to protect.

Oh! How could I forget to mention that 

upon successful completion of this course and submission of all your projects (yes, I give weekly tasks to facilitate your development), you will be awarded a certificate from the prestigious Jewellionaires’ Academy.

This certificate will cement your status as a jewelry making pro 🏅. 

It’s understandable to wonder if an online course can truly equip you with the skills to become a professional in a hands-on field like jewelry making. 

If there’s any point 2020 proved to us, it was that we can create the virtual 

equivalent of almost any physical activity.

You probably learned how to bake or cook a new recipe at home from watching an internet video during the lockdown, so why do you think you can’t effectively learn jewelry making online? 

Don’t let any lame excuse rob you of accomplishing your biggest goals and living your best life.

This is a life-changing opportunity.

Through this painstakingly curated online course, I passed on in-depth knowledge of what I do best with clear guidelines, true passion and professional insight in every lesson.  

After taking this course, you will master the art of wire jewelry design- from the basics to more advanced wire techniques. Learn over 27 practical techniques for creating a wonderful variety of your own bespoke wire jewelry with a number of simple yet functional items. 

You will be taught, step by step, how to create your own unique collection of handmade wire jewelry.

If you’re wondering what wire jewelry pieces look like, watch this video to see some samples:

Imagine What Earning An Extra 6+ Figure Income From Learning Wire Jewelry Making Can Do For You...

 You will be able to support yourself and loved ones financially more than ever before.

You can conveniently pay for personal development trainings, home and abroad.

You will have enough disposable income to invest- in real estate, rental property, bonds, Cryptocurrency, etc.

You will have sufficient funds to finance your other dreams.

You can afford to take yourself and family on vacations without much worry about expenses, because you can afford it!

You will insulate yourself financially against insults and life’s uncertainties.

The choice is yours! You can either let this opportunity of a lifetime slip through your fingers or grab it right away before it disappears!

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

How do I pay for this course?

Simply click on the “REGISTRATION BUTTON” and you will be granted access to automatically unlock the course content once payment is successful. 

You can also do a direct bank transfer into Artsmith Collections, 0125112055, Wema Bank and send the proof of payment to gbenga@jewellionairesacademy.com.

Need further assistance? WhatsApp us on +234-8079145893.

What are the lessons taught in the course?

Innovative wire jewelry techniques like wrapping, coiling, weaving, and knitting.

Not only the aforementioned but also how to make necklaces, bracelets, pendants, rings, bangles, and earrings with wire and beads/stones.

The online course is designed to cover both the theory and practice of jewelry making. 

It includes detailed tutorials on techniques, materials, and design principles, as well as practical assignments that allow you to apply what you’ve learned.

When do the classes start and when do they end?

The course is 100% online. The video tutorials are pre-recorded and self-paced, 

So the classes start and end whenever you want. You can go back to review what interests you the most and skip what you already know, ask questions, share your projects for assessment, and more.

Are tools required before the classes commence?

No, but they are necessary- to practice the lessons. We have tool kits available for purchase and you can get one for yourself.

Or you could request for a list of tools via WhatsApp +234-8079145893 if you’d like to source them yourself.

Will students be able to make complete jewelry pieces after the course?

Most definitely! So long as you practice every lesson taught in the course.

© 2024 Jewellionaires Academy

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Still unsure if this course is right for you? No problem! I’d love to send you a FREE jewelry tutorial so you can try making a piece from the comfort of your home. Just fill in your details below

Wire Jewelry